Cachinnate: to laugh loudly or too much.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Have you played FF XIII?

If so, you'll understand this post; if not, there are quotes from my roommate saved up at the bottom for you.

For some reason, late at night, while playing Final Fantasy 13, my roommate, my boyfriend, and I all come up with blog or twitter posts that the characters would make. For example:
Hope: I just feel like I'm not pulling my weight. I'm trying my best tho!
Lightning: Hope's still being a whiny little bitch.
Vanille: I think Lightning is making Hope feel bad....
Lightning: Vanille I swear to god if you "forget" to heal me one more time..
Hope: I think I started a fight between Vanille and Lightning.
Sazh: These kids are a little immature.
Fang: what a circus.
Lightning: Fang's got something up her ass and she'd better get over it.
Fang: Lightning's such a drama queen! For crying out loud.
Vanille: Fang's being a bitch.
Fang: Vanille you better fucking heal me next time.
Hope: I forgot to heal Fang.. good thing they all thought Vanille was healing!
Vanille: Hope I swear to god I'm going to kill you.
Snow: Really guys? We need to focus on saving Cocoon!
Sazh: Vanille's cheerful but sometimes she just gets on my nerves...
Vanille: I guess the secret's out... just kill me??
Fang: Vanille's being melodramatic again.. ugh.
Vanille: fuck you Fang. Just fuck you.

And now, for roommate quotes! I wonder if lately she's been confused. She certainly seems to think odd things about herself:
"I'm a bird! I can fly fly fly fly fly fly... like a butterfly."
"I'm a pretty dancing tree! Waaave waaave waaave~"
"I am a TV!" (Mean grumbly voice.)
"I am a PS3 controller! My life is wonderful!"

Last but not least, a friend of mine was talking about how a place across the street delivers octopus soup to her for no extra cost. Her comment on it?
"And the tentacles are GOOOOOD."
When I snickered, she told me to "get that mind out of the gutter."

Also, apparently "urchins are racist."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Comcast is back up!

Power outages because of a blizzard cut our internet. Finally back up, with some stories to share.

First of all, I'd like you to take a look at this book. See if you see anything wrong with it. Look closely. Apparently the main editor of the book never read it -- I'm sure page two says something like, "Always double-check your work."
For that matter, why didn't the author catch it? You'd think that writing a book titled The Power of Your Subconscious: Unlocking Your Master Key to Sucess would give you some insight into, say, success. Apparently writers don't read anymore. Who knew?

In other news, I went out for Japanese food with my mother and stepfather. On the dessert menu was mochi ice cream, which I love; it even came in lychee-flavor, which I also love. I decided on that. My stepdad, taken aback, said, "You eat that stuff? It's been buried in the ground for four years!"
As we tried to correct him he realized his mistake and tried to fix it, naturally right as the waiter walks by: "Oh, no, no, that's -- what's that called? Oh! KUMCHEE!" he yells, in a mostly empty restaurant.
I don't believe I've ever seen anyone as pale as our western-European looking waiter turn quite as red as he did. And naturally, with our dirty minds, my mother and I were imagining... well. I do believe he nearly dropped the water bottle he was carrying, and only quick reflexes saved it from shattering.

Now, for those of you who've never had lychee, it looks like this:

It doesn't look delicious, but believe me -- it is. Just don't try to eat the skin.
It's a sweet fruit from Asia, Mexico, and southern Africa, and is used in many Asian desserts, like lychee jelly (think jell-o), lychee ice cream, et cetera. It is not a vegetable. It is never buried (except as a seed, but that's not involved in food preparation, so let's just slide that aside).

Kimchi, or kimchee, on the other hand, is a Korean staple, made of shredded cabbage that's been pickled. At no point is it buried. And, hopefully, at no point does it see...
My father reads this blog, have I mentioned? Hi, Dad! :D

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kids say the darndest things

Today, I flew from Oregon to Colorado to visit my mother. (We're on spring break.) Next to me on the plane was a little boy, maybe six or seven years old. He had quite a few good quotes:

Mother: Will you stop doing that? You have to pay to watch movies.
Son: You can't control me!
Mother: You're mine until you're eighteen. When did you think you'd have free reign? (Jokingly.)
Son: When I'm eight I'll be all grown up! I'm gonna move out and get a job and you can't tell me what to do anymore and [my brother] will stop taking my soldiers! (Deadly serious; "soldiers" was talking about those ubiquitous little plastic soldiers, supposedly beloved by young boys everywhere. His mother had packed some for the flight.)

Directed at me: Hey lady? Hey, lady. (I looked over. He kept saying it.) Hey lady. Hey, lady, hey. Lady, hey. Hey lady. Hey lady! Hey lady! Hey lady!
Me: Yes?
Boy: You look old! You have a book! Books are for old people. Old people read books. Are you old? Do you have a tv? Is it in color? Television is in color these days, you know. ...You've heard of tv, right? (Suspicious look.)
(I'll be 21 this summer.)

But hey, I guess the flight could have been worse. Typical travel: the flight attendants thought they were funny, the kid behind me kicked my seat most of the way and fiddled with the tray for the rest of it, and a baby two rows back started crying and wouldn't stop for 45 minutes. My suitcase chafed my hand and, of course, my period started. But you know what they say -- all's fair in love and planes?

Friday, March 19, 2010

More slow days!

For some reason, ever since I started this blog, life seems a little less funny. Perhaps I'm just not writing things down?
Found this today -- a series of short comics featuring Watson and Holmes. They're pretty awesome. Hope you like them. :3

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today was a slow day.

Nothing particularly amusing happened today, unfortunately. However, I do have quotes from my roommate from late last night saved up; let's start with when she was cooking some fried rice. The room was totally silent, so all of these were just muttered into the quiet.

"Riiice rice rice.. you understand me, don't you?"
"Hello, mister broccoli. Are you having a crappy day too? We can have crappy days together."
"Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me! Why are you looking at me? Oh god, I'll die. Stop looking at me."

Others, from last week:
"I am a candy cane!" (In a totally quiet room.)
Also, my boyfriend said, "Emily~" so she replied "Orange!" I'm not really sure what the connection is... but it must exist. At least, in her mind.

Monday, March 15, 2010

In honor of the Pokemon: HG/SS release

Today's is a Pokemon post! (Yes, yes, I know it really should have been yesterday, but yesterday was Pi Day, and you have to pick your battles. Remember: if you make eye contact, it's a challenge.)

This is how I always pictured it.
For those of you who played the original games (Yellow, Blue, Red, et cetera), there's a webcomic just for you! And for those of you who didn't play the original games, I've been assured that Super Effective is actually still pretty much accurate, and manages to give you all the story and wtfs of gameplay with none of the actual gameplay.

But what about the Pokemon fans, you ask? Well, they are diverse. I can tell -- I'm actually a huge Pokemon fan. They range from TCG fans to handheld fans to character fans. The first two are pretty self-explanitory; character fans like cosplaying the characters. However....
Some costumes just weren't meant to be.
Then, of course, there are the more "realistic" costumes, like this NSFW one. For some reason, when I see this, I hear a husky voice in my mind that says, "Hey, baby. I heard you like me?" Of course, everyone holds a special place in their hearts for their favorite Pokemon, occasionally even going so far as to name them and get emotionally attached to the collections of code and pixels:

In this one Vaporeon says, "Do not want.. Do I have to? Really? Aw man..." I feel sorry for it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Pi Day~

In honor of Pi Day, here is the song that started a revolution:

If by "revolution" you mean "a whole bunch of students who learned a ridiculous number of digits of Pi from bad child actors in hideous shirts and a singing robot, while two creepy, expressionless older men stood watching them from the shadows."
You're right. "Revolution" is much catchier, with the added bonus of being less likely to give you nightmares.

In other, not-pi-related news, this charming young man was originally displayed in the local post office window, but somehow escaped and made his presence known around campus.
Need it enlarged? No problem! :D

Well? Do you want it enlarged? And what exactly is "it"? Isn't he a little young to be concerned with this type of thing? And, most importantly - why, pray tell, is he holding his hand out like that?

I don't think I want to know. Is there someone we should call about this?

Saturday, March 13, 2010


In honor of the very first day and the very first post, I'd like to share a few things.

Getting to know you: I'm currently a junior in college about to go to Japan for my study abroad. That's my major -- Japanese. My minor is Art, but I'm thinking of switching it to Photography. I love photography and didn't realize it was a minor until this semester. If I'd known that the professor reserved spaces for underclassmen, I'd already had a Photography major by now. I enjoy horseback riding, writing papers (weird, I've been told), yoga, reading, a little more Facebook and Livejournal than is probably good for me, and, most of all, laughing.

The URL: Confused? 毎日, or mainichi, means "every day/daily." That's what I hope this will be - daily posts. I'm very forgetful though, so if I do forget, or if nothing funny happens, please forgive me! I have a few quotes from my roommate saved up for dull days, though, so hopefully the second never happens. Note that, when I go to Japan, this may temporarily transform into a daily-life blog; though hopefully I'll keep that to Livejournal.

Last, but not least, my favorite quote from my roommate: "Drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs... hi." She gets a little, ah, interesting when she drinks coffee. (I hope to encourage the coffee-drinking habit.)