Cachinnate: to laugh loudly or too much.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today was a slow day.

Nothing particularly amusing happened today, unfortunately. However, I do have quotes from my roommate from late last night saved up; let's start with when she was cooking some fried rice. The room was totally silent, so all of these were just muttered into the quiet.

"Riiice rice rice.. you understand me, don't you?"
"Hello, mister broccoli. Are you having a crappy day too? We can have crappy days together."
"Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me! Why are you looking at me? Oh god, I'll die. Stop looking at me."

Others, from last week:
"I am a candy cane!" (In a totally quiet room.)
Also, my boyfriend said, "Emily~" so she replied "Orange!" I'm not really sure what the connection is... but it must exist. At least, in her mind.