In honor of Pi Day, here is the song that started a revolution:

Well? Do you want it enlarged? And what exactly is "it"? Isn't he a little young to be concerned with this type of thing? And, most importantly - why, pray tell, is he holding his hand out like that?
I don't think I want to know. Is there someone we should call about this?
If by "revolution" you mean "a whole bunch of students who learned a ridiculous number of digits of Pi from bad child actors in hideous shirts and a singing robot, while two creepy, expressionless older men stood watching them from the shadows."
You're right. "Revolution" is much catchier, with the added bonus of being less likely to give you nightmares.
In other, not-pi-related news, this charming young man was originally displayed in the local post office window, but somehow escaped and made his presence known around campus.

Need it enlarged? No problem! :D
Well? Do you want it enlarged? And what exactly is "it"? Isn't he a little young to be concerned with this type of thing? And, most importantly - why, pray tell, is he holding his hand out like that?
I don't think I want to know. Is there someone we should call about this?