As you may or may not know, my apartment building has quiet hours. On weekdays, they start at 10:00 pm. One of my roommates, however, wanted a milkshake. She had already put the ice cream into the blender before realizing how much noise the blender would make.
I suggested that we put a pillow underneath it to insulate the blender from the counter, so it wouldn't make as much noise. However, another of my roommates decided that instead of a pillow, he was going to wrap the blender in towels, jackets, and blankets:

And now he can't reach the button.
He had so much trouble getting down to the blender buttons that he decided some leverage was needed.

Hello, roommate's butt! Still can't reach the button.
Yay, milkshakes are done! Bottoms up! :D

Hey! Use a cup! That's why we have them.
"Hey, can I have some?"

I guess she doesn't want to share. Go ahead and try, but I'd count my fingers afterward if I were you.
And Tim intervenes.

"No, really, use a cup. Let me take that."